
Contact us - About Casa Bel Sole

Casa Bel Sole helps you to find your dream property in Italy - the easy way.
We are independent property finders specialized in searching for properties in Italy; especially in the regions of Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Campania, Abruzzo and Lombardy (Lake Como). We like to think that we provide a professional service, and we trust that you will agree with us once you have become acquainted with us. We like to ensure that the process of finding your dream property home in Italy becomes easy and uncomplicated for you. 

Why choose us?
Our aim is to give you the best possible advice using our expertise, and most importantly, our experience. With a network of off-market properties and contacts, we put the needs of our clients first, focusing on individual property requirements.

We differ from the usual real estate agent in that we will actually go and find the house of your dreams according to your wishes and detailed specifications if we do not have the house of your dreams in our property portefolio. We value you as our customer and we are thrilled that you have set your eyes on Italy. We specialize in the following regions in Italy: Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Campania, Abruzzo and Lombardy (Lake Como).

Read more about TuscanyUmbriaAbruzzoLazio and Campania

Who are we?

Mrs Gabriella Chow is the company’s dynamic leader and has an extensive experience from the international leisure property market. Chow, who is half Italian and multilingual is a leading expert on property in Italy (Toscana, Umbria, Abruzzo, Lazio, Campania and Lombardy (Lake Como). She is based to a large extent in Italy and has therefore a unique and wide knowledge of the property market and the general conditions in Italy.

Casa Bel Sole

I-64020 Scerne di Pineto (TE)
Tel.: (+39) 392 683 0595
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Prices shown are net property prices. They do not include taxes, fees and commision, which usually amounts to 8 - 12 % of the net property price.

Search For Property in Italy by Region

Campania Lazio Tuscany Umbria Abruzzo Piedmonte Lombardy Fruili Marche Molise Puglia Calabria Sicilia Sardinia Liguria